Monday, September 22, 2014

Sloane // Two Months Old

The babe is officially 2 months old.

She sleeps all night long and usually wakes up just once to half-eat. She lets me wear her as much as I want and sleeps the entire time. If she has slept and had a good meal she is the happiest, smiliest baby ever. She seems to be a total mama's girl, but also loves all the boys. Carson says he thinks she loves him most because she always smiles for him. She hates to be tickled. She thinks you're dropping her if you lift her up in the air, throws her arms out and does huge eyes. We've tried 3 types of binkies and she's only taken one on two occasions. She's just now fitting into 0-3 clothes; they're better in length now, but still drown her in width. The hair on the top of her head fell out and is now growing back in.

Today she was up to 9lb 10oz at the 11th percentile and 22 1/4in at the 38th percentile. She was not a fan of her shots. She did purple/silent baby and then wailed. She's super fussy now that it is the evening too.

Overall she is absolutely amazing and such a great addition to our crew. <3 br="" nbsp="">

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