Monday, June 16, 2014

May-ish, 2014 Catch Up

I am so far behind on posting that I don't even know where to begin. We have been so busy in the last two months and at the same time I've wanted to do nothing but lay on the couch. This lady is T.I.R.E.D.  We are at the one-month-left mark now. I am so excited to have this baby, but I'm not going to lie, it is a little bittersweet. Being pregnant again is so cool, even if it is killing me physically most days. I started seeing a chiropractor which has been helping my back and will hopefully help my body get aligned for the actual birth. I can only read and prep so much to have this baby naturally and so I'm just ready to do it and stop thinking about it. I told Carl yesterday that I just realized I haven't even thought about the logistics of having a newborn because I'm thinking about the birth all the time. I'm not scared about labor at all. I spend my time worrying about the timing with the boys home and everything. 

Since my last post Carson has finished kindergarten! He had such great friends this year in class and we are amazed at how much he learned and grew. He finished the year reading at a second grade level! That's saying a lot because he started kindergarten only reading his name…. Now I spend the days of summer trying to keep these guys entertained and keep Carson from only playing phone/iPad/Wii etc. since he seems a little burnt out from school. I'll have to post his kindergarten celebration photos too, you know, when I even download them. Oops..

(I think all but one of the following photos are iPhone……)

This was on his birthday when Max and I got to bring in treats and stay for science. Max thought he'd join the class, which really meant bug his big brother and cause a scene.

 I got to volunteer at his school's field day and took Max to daycare for the morning. It was fun seeing him run around at his school since I don't get to spend much time there aside from drop off and pick up.
 We had a Monday off before the last two days of school so our class got together at a pool. These kids have so much fun together.

 And they spent the last afternoon of school like this….huddled in a legit tornado warning while us parents sat in the insane hail for more than 30 minutes after the bell waiting for it to be safe. Thanks to Terri, another mom inside, who I swiped this pic from on FB!

Unfortunatley Carson has been getting sick so much lately though. He missed a few days a week before the end of school from the flu and then he some other virus AGAIN and pink eye on Mother's Day! Arg! It's always something.

And then there's Max. Oh, Max. You see, Max is so going to be three soon and it shows. He has always been such an easy going, lovable, chill kid who listens and just hangs out. Well, not anymore. It is like having a grumpy teenager that hits and spits all of a sudden. He has his good days, but he also has some really bad days. I know we probably went through it with Carson, but it all blurs together. Max is lucky he is so darn cute or I'd leave him on a random curb most days. I am SO happy to report that we just got him signed up for preschool though. He'll start at the first of the school year at our closest school in their preschool program. I'm so going to appreciate a few hours each morning to myself once we have a newborn! And Max is definitely ready for it already.

 He at least still loves all things fruit and vegetables. We go to the mall and he asks for a side salad for lunch. LOL
 At the nature and science museum.
 My buddy while shopping at Ikea. The trick now is to feed him first and let him bring food with us while shopping.
 This was peeking through a "fort" over his crib at bedtime.
Sleeping on Daddy.
 At the library together.

The boys holding Rosie at the Butterfly Pavilion last week. Max was so excited that he was finally big enough and he didn't even act like it was a big deal.

We took a drive a few weeks ago up to Boulder and played at the playground by their big river. The boys could stand there and throw rocks all day. And by boys, I mean all three.

 I apologize for the extremely awkward positioning of my belly-to-shirt ratio. I look so bizarre in this photo...

We also went through a little fort phase around here lately. We had forts to read in at bedtime, forts randomly popping up, a tent set up in the living room (which went not so great for actual sleeping at night), etc. And then the boys finally got their bunk beds set up so that is where the fun lies now. We bought the bed at a closeout sale earlier this year since we knew we'd want them this summer so it was good ammo to keep them engaged. Surprisingly the transition hasn't been as bad as I expected. Some nights we have a little battle to keep Max from climbing the ladder, but they stay in bed all night and Max naps in there everyday now just fine. I still need to finish decorating their room, but we did get it painted and the dresser and crib swapped back out from our room.

 They got to sleep on mattresses on our bedroom floor the night we painted their walls. They looked so sweet when we woke up, somehow, before they did for once.

Carson also started flag football two weekends ago. He picked that over soccer and tball for the summer and the second game went much better than the first. At the first game Carson was trying to take the ball from his own teammate and we had kids running all over in the wrong direction. Hopefully our coaches will step up and actually teach them the basics as we go here.
Man, does he ever look so old and handsome here though!!!

 We've been going to a class at a local nature center each week this summer. The boys love getting out on the trail after sitting and learning for a while. Well, remember what I said about Max? I call this one, "One of these things is not like the other". Yeah, there's that.

And this is how we end up after a long day, when my reports are done and I have some time before starting dinner.

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