Friday, January 11, 2013

My name is Rachael and I am a bad blogger.

I may have skipped blogging the last, oh, 1 month and 2 days. Life got in the way and once I get a little behind I just give up until I am in the mood again. I don't even know at this point what I haven't shared so I'll do my best here. I also haven't processed my photos from our Christmas day or trip to Utah between that time either. I'll post here what I do have and go from there later.

The only non-phone pics I have to share now are two from a bath at the hotel in Utah. I love both though.IMG_3192 web
IMG_3190 web

Our most awesomely bad Santa photo. I love everything about it down to Santa getting bad at Carson for holding his hands up and Max's belly poking out even after my try to pull it down.

Some Elf catch up: Santa sent a personal message with Shawn for Carson to let him know he was currently on the naughty list. Lets just say Carson hit a rough patch leading up to Christmas day.
Shawn was on strike yesterday after being touched AGAIN. He came back with a personal warning from Santa today. #elfontheshelf

Shawn put on a cast like Carson.
Shawn wanted a black cast like Carson had  #elfontheshelf

Max had a fight with the toy box and the toy box won. (He loves brushing his teeth too.)

It was a little too quiet....

Carson was a big help when we painted our guest room/Dustin's room. Once we started painting the trim I told him he could paint whatever on the walls before we got to that part. Apparently it didn't totally sink in to him that we were going to paint over it because he was devastated when he came back and it was all gone. Oops.

After quite the hiatus, Shawn is back. A full week with no elf seemed to get to the back-talking 4-year-old. #elfontheshelfUntitledUntitled

"Mommy, I think Max loves me."

Max got his own day at the museum.
And this moment took me back to this day during one of Carson's first visits on the exact same bear in the exact same place:

On our way to Utah we stopped to let the kids run at McDonald's and I instagramed this pic. The best part of all was when McDonald's retweeted it! I've arrived! LOL
McDonald's for the win. #roadtrip

Grandpa Rick and his boys.
Grandpa got his hands on his boys... Finally.

Carson and Uncle Jordan - It was great timing that Jordan had leave from the Marines while we were going to be out there so we got to see him for a few days. He brought Carson that Marine hat and he loved it.
Spending the day with Uncle Jordan while he's on leave. Carson loves his new hat. #ourmarine

Max's belly
Belly button.

This one is titled "Future Blackmail". Those are tampons. :)
Someone found a stash of really fun sticks and rope! #tampons #weddingdayfodder

Another trip to the Children's Museum.
"Hips? That looks like a guitar."

Playing with cloud dough.
Totally forgot about cloud dough. Thanks again, Pinterest. #messiestEVER #notcuttingdrugs
Found this in my camera roll from our trip and it made me smile.

Gave Max a whole box of crackers when I needed a few moments of silence. Bad idea.
Note to self: Don't give a baby an entire box of crackers to keep him quiet for a minute.
Tutorial: How to get Mom a shower in peace.
I freaking love the guts out of this cheeseball.
Sleeping on the job.

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