Monday, November 7, 2011

Baby seat.

We had one of these seats for Carson and it was probably one of the top 3 things that got the most use. It doubles as a real high chair so we used it at restaurants for a long time. Restaurant high chairs seriously could not be more grimey so I loved having something I knew was clean. But when we went to get it out for Max we couldn't find the actual seat. All the parts without a seat to sit in don't really do us much good. All we can think is that we left it somewhere and don't remember.

Max has started to balance sitting up on his own and hasn't liked laying on his play mat lately. I decided to go ahead and order a new one Friday and it came today. Got to love Amazon Prime!!! Personally I think you get waaaay more for your money with this than a Bumbo for the same price (actually less since you have to buy a tray for the Bumbo separately). Anyways, it's called the Summer Infant 3 Stage Super Seat if anyone is interested.

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