Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Max: 5 Month Old

Today totally flew by and I'm just running in here to post these. I took these this morning with the hopes of editing all the ones I liked, but I only got to these two. I'll hopefully post the others soon. Yeah, I have a looooot of photos of Max. Sorry if you are sick of seeing him... I'm not. :)

He was totally chill for this shoot and I didn't have any problem getting him to focus like I did last month. He didn't really even notice the bear this time either. He's just as happy as ever! And huge. My goodness. We have literally had diaper blow outs, sometimes multiple ones per day, every single day for almost 2 weeks straight now. For as much as I'm fighting it I think we already need to go to size 3 diapers. I upgraded to a box of size 2s about 4 weeks ago and I just hate wasting them! He is growing faster than I can keep up with! Two weekends ago we were at lunch and the waitress said, "So what is he, about 9 months?" She looked like she saw a ghost when I said 4.

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Carl says I have an obsession with feet. But the truth is I just have an obsession with photos of our feet. Not feet in real life or anyone else's feet, just ours. 
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Here was Max crashed on my lap this afternoon for nap time. He could not be any sweeter when he sleeps. There are actually very few days when I don't take a picture of him while he is sleeping. Most days I get my break when Carson naps because Max will sleep on my just about anytime. I get a little while of TV catch up and work on my laptop in peace and quiet. Technically I could be doing something more productive during this time, but I like having a built in break too! I get a lunch hour just like any other job, right?!
Nap shots just never get old. I can't resist.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Max and all his details.

I was hard at work the other morning on random things when I stopped to look at Max. He won't take his eyes off me lately and is always giving the sweetest smiles. I dropped everything I was doing and decided I needed some new photos of him NOW. We had a quick shoot so I could freeze my 4-month-old in time, as much as possible. I am addicted to baby details. His bald spot + baby mullet, his flat baby bum with diaper wrinkles, all his leg rolls, his tiny toes, his pink lips. I guess I can kiss the photos when he's older. He'll probably think it's weird as a grown up if I try and kiss his toes.....
Rachael Wooten Photography Denver Aurora Parker East Colorado Baby Child Family Natural Light Custom Photographer
Rachael Wooten Photography Denver Aurora Parker East Colorado Baby Child Family Natural Light Custom Photographer
Rachael Wooten Photography Denver Aurora Parker East Colorado Baby Child Family Natural Light Custom Photographer
Rachael Wooten Photography Denver Aurora Parker East Colorado Baby Child Family Natural Light Custom Photographer
Rachael Wooten Photography Denver Aurora Parker East Colorado Baby Child Family Natural Light Custom Photographer
Rachael Wooten Photography Denver Aurora Parker East Colorado Baby Child Family Natural Light Custom Photographer
Rachael Wooten Photography Denver Aurora Parker East Colorado Baby Child Family Natural Light Custom Photographer
Rachael Wooten Photography Denver Aurora Parker East Colorado Baby Child Family Natural Light Custom Photographer
Rachael Wooten Photography Denver Aurora Parker East Colorado Baby Child Family Natural Light Custom Photographer
Rachael Wooten Photography Denver Aurora Parker East Colorado Baby Child Family Natural Light Custom Photographer
Rachael Wooten Photography Denver Aurora Parker East Colorado Baby Child Family Natural Light Custom Photographer
Rachael Wooten Photography Denver Aurora Parker East Colorado Baby Child Family Natural Light Custom Photographer
And my favorite: He totally got my eyebrows. I have mastered the skeptical face.
Rachael Wooten Photography Denver Aurora Parker East Colorado Baby Child Family Natural Light Custom Photographer

Monday, November 7, 2011

Air + Space Museum

Carson has been begging to go to the museum at Lowry for awhile now. Lowry is an old air force base that now has awesome neighborhoods. Carl's dad Dave was even stationed there years ago when it was an active base.

We called it the Air Force Base Museum and Carson called it the Air Force Space Museum. It's really the Air + Space Museum. We used it for bait and told him he could go when he was potty trained. He sure didn't let us forget so we headed there on Saturday. It was sort of, you know, boring, but Carson had fun. It was worth the wait to give him something to look forward to! Surprisingly he liked the space ship stuff the best. Carl loved the antique Jeeps.

Did I mention he got a Mohawk the other day? Talk to Carl about that one. It definitely fits his personality now.

Baby seat.

We had one of these seats for Carson and it was probably one of the top 3 things that got the most use. It doubles as a real high chair so we used it at restaurants for a long time. Restaurant high chairs seriously could not be more grimey so I loved having something I knew was clean. But when we went to get it out for Max we couldn't find the actual seat. All the parts without a seat to sit in don't really do us much good. All we can think is that we left it somewhere and don't remember.

Max has started to balance sitting up on his own and hasn't liked laying on his play mat lately. I decided to go ahead and order a new one Friday and it came today. Got to love Amazon Prime!!! Personally I think you get waaaay more for your money with this than a Bumbo for the same price (actually less since you have to buy a tray for the Bumbo separately). Anyways, it's called the Summer Infant 3 Stage Super Seat if anyone is interested.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Max: 4 month dr appt

I knew going into Max's appointment today that we'd hear a large number for his weight. I mean, the kid is wearing 9 month outfits that fit him perfect! He was happy as ever...until the shots of course. That part always sucks. We're all having snuggle time now and both boys are crashed out.

At his 2 month appt he was 12 lb 13oz. Today he was 17lb 2.7oz!!! Geez! And he was up to 26.75 inches. We're definitely doing something right here. :)

That's 86th percentile for weight and 94th for height! Carson never got over 75% for height and 25% for weight.

This is what's in my arms right now and one from playtime last night.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The monster Jeep.

Carl and Carson's baby (or mistress, as I refer to it) got its lift, wheels and tires this week. Do you know how many photos of these things I've now had to look at and they all LOOK THE SAME?!?! hehe I tried to explain this to Carl like showing him shoes or clothes that all look the same to him. I'm just happy that they're happy. Carson is definitely his father's son. He calls it his monster Jeep and loves it so much. He asked me if he could go check out the cool tires this morning when we got up. :)

Carl took a pic of Carson before the lift, then again last night when we got home with everything done. I sure hope Max likes it as much as Carson has!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Night: 2011

I saw a picture of a toddler dressed like a knight and a baby as a red dragon on the Martha Stewart website a few weeks ago. I was at a total loss of ideas at that point, knew I had the dragon costume as an option and the duo was born. Carson's outfit was beyond easy when I found the gray sweats, a dollar sword and a couple-dollar shield at Target. I had bought fabric for a cape for him a while ago and hadn't gotten around to making it yet. It all happened to be the right colors too. I whipped up a cape during nap time on Sunday (yes, I'm a procrastinator) and we were good to go. I topped it off at the last minute with one of my headbands and we had the knight and the dragon! I would have let him be whatever he wanted, but every.single.option. we gave him he said yes to. It was getting impossible to narrow it down and he wasn't coming up with anything concrete!

I knew we had an hour of daylight left when I started cooking dinner last night. All I cared about was getting out for a few photos of the boys' costumes and then we could do whatever we wanted. Of course Max fell asleep about 20 minutes before it was time to go out. I had to get him up (because of the light) and the poor kid was so sleepy. We quickly got pics in the front yard and then trick-or-treated for about 45 minutes. Carson had a ton of fun, but was sick yesterday so he got burnt out really fast. Overall they were as cute as I'd hoped and we all had fun.
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I tried to get Max to balance sitting up long enough for a photo, but he kept falling over. Darn that heavy head!
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I couldn't help but go back to Carson's first Halloween to compare. These kids look so much alike! I love love love them and those cheeks!! It's so hard to believe Carson was ever this little. (Man, my hair was LONG back then!)
I had to do this too:
Carson and Max
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Carson 130 crop
Carson 134 crop