Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tanks for coming! Halloween 2010

We talked about what we wanted to do for Halloween for weeks beforehand. But somehow all our ideas just never came to fruition. We ended up going to Target the weekend before and randomly wandering down the costume aisle. Of course, Mr. Carson sees a Thomas costume and it's game over. He didn't want anything to do with any other one I showed him. I kind of just gave up and didn't want to think about it anymore. Thomas it was! And a very lame one at that. The only good part about it was we could dress him warm underneath.

It was really weird having it on a Sunday this year though. Our Sundays all look very similar. 
First, Daddy makes us all pancakes. Carson has totally aborted the highchair and thinks he is big enough to join us at the table now. 

Then there is a ton of football watching, a nap and a trip to the park. We forgot to put Carson's jersey back on after nap time. He wasn't very happy about that... He's really figuring out the Jeep steering though.

We went to grab some dinner and told Carson it was almost time to go trick-or-treating. For 20 minutes straight on the way home he told us he didn't want to go home because it was time for "tritt-or-tweating"! He said he was excited to put on his costume, but then refused to let me get a good picture. He looked so unhappy! haha

I think he just didn't really know what we were talking about so it took a few houses to really sink in. We had been practicing what to say all month and after two or three times he got it down. He would knock, open his bag and say trick-or-treat really softly. He loves being outside with the big kids. He looked like such a little boy out there. No more baby for sure!

At one of the last houses our neighbor asked him if he was Thomas the Tank Engine. Carson said yes and James said, "Well, tanks for coming!" I'm a sucker for a bad pun. It was awesome.
Hopefully we'll do a little better in the costume dept. next year.


Bethany said...

I love the costume, so cute. I like the picture of Carson driving his Jeep. What a little stud. :o)

amzingcarla.blogspot.com said...

He looks so adorable as usual... It is so much fun that they can pick what they want... Love it !!!
He is such a big boy !!!!
And so handsome...