Monday, November 2, 2009

Itsy Bitsy Halloween

I normally never get into Halloween, but having a kid kind of changes it all. We got Carson a spider costume and I decided I wanted to be a bug in his web. Carl didn't really want to dress up so I just made a costume out of stuff around the house. I was supposed to have my huge poofy skirt draped with the big web piece and then I'd be the bug on top with a pair of wings I've had for years and years.

Carl decided just before we were going to leave that he wanted to be the web so I had to change it all. He got the web piece and I broke out the eyeliner for him. My costume didn't make any sense without the web so I went and grabbed an OLD prom dress I had and hoped for the best. Unfortunately everyone thought I was a fairy instead. I tried to put googly bug eyes on my antenna, but it didn't quite work out. It was still tons of fun to go out dressed up as a family.

We didn't take pictures until we got home so it was late and Carson was pooped.

Okay, I'll stay here for one...


I'm DONE!!!

Happy Halloween, 2009!!!

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