Friday, November 6, 2009

18-Month Dr Appt

We had Carson's 18-Month check up yesterday. Everything was still good and apparently his is completely normal. You always assume that, but it's nice to have some reassurance. His growth curves and percentages were still exactly the same as always:

Height: 33.5 inches (75%)
Weight: 24lb 4oz (25%)

We finally got a good night's sleep last night after a couple of ROUGH nights with teething. He has 3 eye teeth that have broke the surface now and he's working on the fourth. His poor gums are so red and it makes me feel so bad. He barely ate a thing yesterday, but then scarfed down tons at breakfast today. I love when he gets over a hump like that and gets a little more back to normal.

Yesterday he said SHOES and UP and this morning he said APPLE. Up was the funniest though. Carl has been trying to get him to say it for months now when Carson whines at his feet. He spent a good 15 minutes just making the exact mouth motions of saying it before he added in the sound. It was hilarious to watch.

Here are some recent clips for your cute viewing pleasure:

Some funky moves:

Playing with Daddy:

Carl let Carson have a stale piece of licorice because it was so hard we knew he could only suck on it. Boy did he try to eat it though!

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