Tuesday, August 26, 2008

4-Month Well Care Dr. Visit

All is great on the baby front!

He is growing so fast and the doctor didn't have anything bad to say. Of course, while we were talking Carson flipped over on the table so he got to see his stomach antics. He said Carson looks to be ahead of the curve on gross motor development; he doesn't normally see 4-month-olds that can roll over so easily and lift themselves up so high.

He was up to 14 pounds exactly. They want babies to have doubled their weight at birth by four months so we are right there. However he was only in the 25th percentile for weight.

He is now up to 25 3/4 inches in length! That means he has grown 6 1/2 inches since birth. He was in the 75th percentile for length. Hopefully he stays tall!

And of course we had to have 5 more shots. The poor thing turns the deepest color of red as soon as the first needle goes in. He did really good again though and didn't cry for too long!


Tara- said...

Thats good!! Its so sad when they have to get shots- Hey atleast he's in the 25th percentile Klaire has always been in the 5th Layne in the 10th- Hey please tell me you've read the Twilight series? If not you need too- they are awesome.... Ofcourse you can tell I'm obsessed... Love it :)

The Smith's said...

It is so amazing how much they change the first year... enjoy it while it lasts!!

Sierra said...

Hey Racheal, it's Sierra, Tara's cousin. My grandma Mona and I were looking at your blog and it is so cute! Your baby is so handsome! I have a 2 month old and I know how hard it is to see them get thier shots! It never gets any easier, I just had to take my 15 month old yesterday and it is really hard because as soon as you take them in the room they know what is going to happen. She started to get stressed out immediately! But you just have to remember that it is to keep them healthy! Looks like you are a great mom!