Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sloane // Eight Months Old

We sped right into another new month with our little girl. Since posting last month she has totally taken off. She is army crawling all over this place. She gets her little bum up in the air, rocks like crazy and then drops down to pull herself along. She is obsessed with water bottles, just like Carson was. That was what we used to entice him to crawl for the first time. She has discovered the remotes. She is sitting up all by herself, tips over often, but can sit and play without any help. She started saying "mama" last month for a good week straight and then discovered "dada". Ever since then I've only gotten a handful of mamas when she is crying and I'm taking too long to pick her up. Other than that all she mumbles is dada all day long. It actually sounds like she says "hi dada" whenever she sees Carl, which is obviously adorable. She LOVES our cat and makes the loudest and funniest squeals and words when she is in her line of sight.

She has discovered food for real now. We can't eat around her without having something to share. She'll sit and stare at you and try to get up to wherever you are if you're eating alone. She manages to kick off her socks or shoes whenever I wear her. She's figured out her headbands are there and will routinely take them off and chew on them in the car.

It seems like she hit the separation anxiety stage a little early because she was going through it at her 6 month check-up. It is still in full-force. She will be fine one minute and panic the next if she's left somewhere alone. I'm hoping it lets up a little soon so we can start thinking about trying out the crib. Overall she just loves to be held and wants to be up where the action is. She watches her brothers so intently, screams at them happily when they approach her and couldn't be a more sweet baby.

Oh my, I almost forgot! We got her first tooth this month too on the bottom front! I can't believe I forgot to get a photo of it. It broke through all the way in the last week. I looked back here on the blog and Max got his same first tooth at this exact same time. Poor girl had a fever for almost 4 days and seemed sick, but then the tooth broke through so it made sense.

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