Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I seriously don't think we could have any more sickness in this house! We ALL had the flu (Carson twice!), we've all had versions of colds and sinus infections and the boys started getting a cold again last week. Overnight Max went from a little cough to full on croup on Wednesday morning. We had to go to the doctor that day and he literally had a fever from 4am Wednesday until bedtime on Sunday. He still has tons of mucus and a bad cough so we haven't been able to take him anywhere.

With croup you have to put them in a steamy room and then go out to the cold air. We were the crazy people over and over out in the freezing weather with the baby. This one was my favorite though. He was on the porch with Daddy and it was so bright outside the background didn't even exist. You can see the snow in front of their faces. We actually got snow this weekend!
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Carl's 30th birthday was on Saturday and he happened to have Friday off. We decided to head up to Rocky Mountain National Park through Estes Park for a drive. The clouds coming over the mountains up there were breathtaking. A photo couldn't even do it justice. Unfortunately Max was doing great that morning and started getting a fever a couple hours into the drive. We stopped to get him some medicine and he slept a lot. Our kids sure love sleeping in the car! We found all the elk in the park where you always see them, but then found 5 hanging out right behind all the shops on the main street. So weird!
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I took these last week sometime. Max has a knack for always putting sunglasses on upside down on his first try. He also insists on getting on our kitchen chairs constantly.....and then falls off. He was hanging out with Carson's glasses playing so I had to get some pics.
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He got Carson's ring pop here..... (I think this was on Valentine's day)IMG_3887 web

And this was the aftermath when I took it away.
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Here are some new instagrams.
I always tell Carl no flowers on V-day or Mother's day because I hate that it's because he's just supposed to. So he got me flowers twice in the week before. He's silly.
Carson's valentine for me.
The boys at family day at preschool.
Silly faces! (photo bomber LOL)
One from the monster truck show from Carl's phone I didn't have before.
Carl and I got to go out on a date! We literally hadn't been out at night without kids in so long we can't remember the last time.
Max and Daddy having a relaxing birthday nap.
A phone pic driving up through RMNP.
Some macro flowers and snow flakes.
></a><a href=My valentine from Carson. So precious!Total mommy goggles . I am so in awe of these two boys. I never imagined I'd really be so lucky.  Rawr!!!Aww, Hubs was totally hiding this one in his phone from the monster truck show! #latergramSo this is what grown ups do! Sadly it's been WAY to long since we've had a real date. Lazy birthday for Daddy and his boys.Quite a day to play hookie.uploadFlakes.

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