Sunday, April 29, 2012

Max: 10 months old

Seriously, I'm pretty sure I JUST posted his 9 month photos yesterday. Where is the time going, people?!?! I'm in total denial about my dude's current age. I cannot even fathom the fact that he's almost 1. This month he cut one more tooth on bottom and is about to get another on top. After that one we'll be up to 4 on top and 3 on bottom. He is full-on crawling now, but still no interest in pulling up or walking. We really think he's just so big that he gets tired! His little feet look like fat potatoes and he isn't a fan of taking steps, even with lots of help. Carson was walking behind his lion walker at 8 months old and Max barely wants to touch the back of the thing. He is still finding ways to get into everything though so he can take his time. 

We've had some trouble with solid foods because, unless they are completely smooth without any chunks, they all seem to make him gag. Then barf. This week he's been rocking cheerios and yogurt melts without a problem, but chunky fruits and veggies send him to the barf zone. Even a mashed up banana is a no-go. He did do okay with a mango yesterday, but I had to hand feed him tiiiiiiny pieces. Carson has always had a super strong gag reflex too. I feel like he should be eating so much more solids, but I can't push it. I think we're okay for now with lots of mama's milk. I mean, take a good look at those rolls!!! We call his wrists "wrist sleeves" because it looks like he is wearing a sleeve made of chubby skin.

And he's still rocking the baby comb over. It's all about confidence. :)

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