Thursday, March 29, 2012

Max: 9 months old

Oh my. I look at this first photo and instantly smile. Max is such a little cheese ball. All he wants to do is roll and CRAWL! around to see what his brother is doing. He is touching and grabbing and headbanging. Yeah, like he always purposefully bangs his head on the walls. My mom says Carson did it too, but I don't remember that. He does the funniest little sideways half-army crawl, but definitely gets where he needs to go without a problem. He sits up if you put him up, but doesn't show any signs of wanting to pull himself up yet. At this point with Carson he was full on walking and into EVERYthing. I'm seriously not complaining though!

We switched him into a big car seat last month because he exceeded the 22 pound limit on the infant carrier. I'm sure he's up another pound or two by now. :)  Don't you love his little comb over too? If I put it straight down it comes to a point between his eyes and it doesn't stay standing up. Carl says he's a dork like that, but we had the exact same conversations when Carson was a baby.

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All the faces and sideways stares kill me. The bottom right one is his blowing bubbles face. And his feet seem so big to me!

After lunch, before clean-up and pics.
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 He has both of his bottom front teeth and two of his top ones broke through a couple days ago. The second one in the front is about to come through too. I don't know how I got this, but you can see the flailing feet going in front as I dodged them for the shot.

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We call this the "George Castanza". He half-poses and half-break dances all over the house. You set him down and he can't sit up by himself so instead he pulls some variation of this pose. IMG_4489 web
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 I dare you to resist those thigh rolls......IMG_4534 web

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